Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sesame Street Party

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My little guy turned two this year—so hard to believe!!  And I really wanted to throw him a Sesame Street party because he is just starting to talk and he loves Sesame Street and Elmo.  Those were some of his first words, so we were going to celebrate!!
We invited just a few friends from church who are all the same age and planned on keeping it short to avoid my little guy's afternoon crazy anti-nap mood. 
And again, Pinterest helped me get the creative juices flowing!  Check out the Cookie monster bean bag toss from Smile Like You Mean It 
and the Oscar Take out the Trash game for Annies-Eats
They both had incredible Sesame Street parties, and here’s how my little guy’s party turned out…
The Elmo cupcakes were a huge hit--and a huge mess, but the kids all looked so cute with their Elmo red moustaches!  I used GFCF "Oreo" cookies cut in half for Elmo's mouth, an orange skittle for his nose, and mini vegan chocolate chips for Elmo's eyes.

I found a 4-pack of multi-colored canvas bags from Hobby Lobby and used Slick pens to decorate them as Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Oscar. The bags were a perfect size for these little toddlers--they looked so cute on their shoulders! I packed them with some cute coloring books, a book, and bubbles from All A Dollar.  I wanted to add crayons and goldfish crackers, but since with the allergy issue we opted for Swedish fish instead.  There was a little note attached that said, “Elmo loves his goldfish, his crayons too, and {my little guy} wants to thank you for coming to his party too.”

My parents were here for the party and they helped me decorate by using my Cricut to cut out shapes to make my paper lantern shades all look like Sesame Street characters—they turned out adorable!

Here’s the tutorial for the pom poms at Nothing But Bonfires, they were huge and looked great over the kids' table.


Lastly, I did plan some games—I know, I know, they are only two years old!!  But they were games where no one would get upset, short and sweet, and reasonable for their age.  The Cookie Monster bean bag toss was cute—they just fed him the felt chocolate chip cookies and we all cheered.  (No sewing involved on the beanbags, just hot glue because it works great on felt!)

I crumpled up bright colored tissue paper and dumped it on the floor for the kids to pick up for Oscar’s Take out the Trash game and again, the kids thought it was great to clean up the pretty trash.

We’ve been exposed to so many great sensory ideas through Justin’s therapy and so I filled a plastic tub with dry rice and hid plastic rubber ducks in it for Ernie’s Rubber Duckie Find.  They had to reach in and find them and they were a little hesitant at first, but they all really liked it!

It was so much fun to throw a party for him, and it was even more fun to see how the little 2 year olds interacted with each other.  They were all pretty shy!!

They had a great time though, and no one cried!  It was a sweet little celebration for my Sesame Street boy!
I am linking to the following parties!
Ladybird Ln I Heart Nap Time Keeping It Simple Raising Oranges Making A Diamond in the Stuff Pincushion Creations A Crafty Soiree Fine Craft Guild mop it up mondays Creative Itch Photobucket It's OVerflowing Whipperberry Somewhat Simple HookingupwithHoH Sew Happy Geek The Taylor House Design Dazzle wednesday's wowzers One Artsy Mama Goings on in Texas I'm Topsy Turvy Skip To My Lou


  1. I think it's OFFICIAL. I'm the first commenter! I feel priveledged...Let's not forget who commented first when your become famous. HA!! I love your creativity and I'm excited to see all the awesome things your doing and you'll be doing in the future. Now I'm going to read all your post. :)

  2. Hooray! Thanks to your comment, I now have your blog address! I can't wait to stalk it faithfully! WELL done on the b-day party....over achiever, Southern mama! :-) Love you.


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